Real time Staking Calculator
Enter your ZIL amount and estimated APY

Disclaimer: This data is provided for entertainment purposes only and should in no way be considered or used as financial advice. No warranty expressed or implied is made regarding accuracy, adequacy, completeness, legality, reliability or usefulness of the data provided. If you spot a mistake, feel free to contact:
Estimated Reward based on current APY and Price

update every second

Yearly Return

1200 ZIL + 1.2 gZIL
worth $26,000.12

Monthly Return

120 ZIL + 0.12 gZIL
worth $2,000.12

Weekly Return

1200 ZIL + 1.2 gZIL
worth $26,000.12

Daily Return

120 ZIL + 0.12 gZIL
worth $2,000.12

Hourly Return

1200 ZIL + 1.2 gZIL
worth $26,000.12

Every Minute

120 ZIL + 0.12 gZIL
worth $2,000.12

Every Second

1200 ZIL + 1.2 gZIL
worth $26,000.12

Actual Estimated APY (including gZIL)

*Note: Above APY is estimated based on current ZIL and gZIL price, which might go up or down during the year. Please do your own calculation. Do not based on the above data for any financial decision.